Sasquatch Books, sasquatchbooks.com
Tin House Books, tinhouse.com/blog/books
Hawthorne Books, hawthornebooks.com
McSweeney's Books, mcsweeneys.net
Portland Book Festival, literary-arts.org/what-we-do/pdxbookfest
Powell's Books, powells.com
CastingWords, castingwords.com
Bookworm, kcrw.com/etc/programs/bw
The Sun Magazine, thesunmagazine.org
The Believer, believermag.com
Broccoli Magazine, broccolimag.com
Redstone Press, theredstoneshop.com
Oregon Council for the Humanities, oregonhumanities.org
Independent Publishing Resource Center, iprc.org
Food and drink
Fermentation Future Forum (F3), fermentationfutureforum.org
The Four Top, thefourtop.org
Food 52, food52.com
Wild Fermentation, wildfermentation.com
WWOOF, wwoof.org
Imbibe, imbibemagazine.com
Portland food and drink
Portland Fermentation Festival, portlandfermentationfestival.com
Pollo Bravo, pollobravopdx.com
Shalom Y'all, shalomyallpdx.com
Mediterranean Exploration Company, mediterraneanexplorationcompany.com
Reverend Nat's Hard Cider, reverendnatshardcider.com
Wankpaku Natto, wanpakunatto.com
Urban Cheese, urbancheesecraft.com
Jorinji Miso, jorinjisoybeam.com
Choi's Kimchi, choiskimchi.com
Wild Food Adventures, wildfoodadventures.com
An Exploration of Portland Food and Drink, portlandfoodanddrink.com
People I love
Jimbo Sandberg, ilovejimbo.com
Sandor Ellix Katz, wildfermentation.com/who-is-sandorkraut
Mark Bittman, markbittman.com
Sonny Smith, sonnysmith.com
Yayoi Kusama, yayoi-kusama.jp/e/information
Miranda July, mirandajuly.com
Neil Young, neilyoung.com
Scout Niblett, scoutniblett.com
Places I love
Sou'wester Lodge, souwesterlodge.com
The Hostel in the Forest, foresthostel.com
Cumberland Island, nps.gov/cuis/
Dunk Island, dunk-island-australia.com
CELP, celp.net
Paradores Spain, spainparador.com
Lochmara Lodge New Zealand, lochmaralodge.co.nz
Other stuff I love
Oaks Park Roller Rink, oakspark.com
Secret Roller Disco, secretrollerdisco.org
Electric Avenue, xray.fm
Raven Grass, ravengrass.com
Farma, farmapdx.com
Freedom University, freedom-univ.com
Midori, midori.so/weworkhere
Pickathon, pickathon.com
The Cactus Blossoms, www.thecactusblossoms.com
Ecotrust, ecotrust.org
WFMU's Shrunken Planet, wfmu.org/playlists/SP
XRAY.FM, xray.fm
Freeform Portland, freeformportland.org
St. Johns Design Build, stjohnsdesignbuild.com
Hollywood Theater, hollywoodtheatre.org
Mississippi Studios, mississippistudios.com
Grizzly Tattoo, grizzlytattoo.com
Duc Designed, ducdesigned.com
Visionary Arts Museum, avam.org
Northwest Film Center, nwfilm.org