First I want you to know that every post on here will not begin with a photo of a cool Portland food folk taken by me from across the table in a cafe. I am aware that that format would get old. BUT today I had the pleasure of interviewing molecular biologist and PSU professor Lisa H. Weasel author of the super informative, I couldn't put it down book Food Fray: Inside the Controversy over Genetically Modified Food. We had a lot to talk about but most relevant for those in Portland...
She's giving a free and open-to-the-public talk tonight about genetically modified food at 6:30pm at People's Food Co-op.
All I have time for is to give you the co-op's address and phone number if you've never been: 3029 SE 21st Ave. -- 503.232.9051
And urge you to go. Did you know that the Willamette Valley produces roughly 90 percent of the nation's beet sugar seeds and that Monsanto wants to introduce GM sugar beets to our region? Lisa H. Weasel knows all about this and so much more concerning the biotech industry and its affects on food and food security. I really wish I could go. Anyone who does please let me know how it went.