Now that my book has been out for more than a month I figure it's about time I post a list of spots where you can actually buy it. It's available in many more places locally and nationally than I've included below because most bookstores and a lot of shops go through book distributors and I don't have that info.
What I do have is a list of spots that Sasquatch Books has sold directly to as of this week and it's pretty impressive. So, if you don't have a copy of the book or want to get one for someone here are some of the places in Portland and beyond that you can do that.
P.S. If you want to purchase copies for retail please call Sasquatch Books at 800.775.0817.
In Portland:
Powell's BooksNew Seasons MarketIn Good TasteAAA Travel Store Downtown Portland CosctoBarnes & NobleInk & PeatAnnie Bloom's BooksBroadway BooksUrban Farm StoreMcMenamins' EdgefieldElephants DelicatessenPresents of MindButterscotchStella's on 21stMartinotti's Cafe & DeliPortland State Bookstore
Third Street Books (McMinnville) Omnivore Books on Food (San Francisco) Queen Anne Books (Seattle) University Bookstore ( UW Seattle) Waucoma Bookstore (Hood River) Pear Delicatessen & Shoppe (Seattle) Elliott Bay Book Company (Seattle) Ketchum Kitchens (Ketchum, Idaho)